Despite the presence of public health programs in Brazil, indigenous communities face serious challenges related to a lack of healthcare assistance. Many villages have health posts, but the shortage of professionals, who are reluctant to work in these complex areas, exacerbates the situation. Additionally, it is common for social projects to be ephemeral, limited to a single visit to the villages, providing neither continuous presence nor lasting impact.
Dr. Madson, after engaging in dialogue with indigenous leaders and hearing numerous appeals, has decided to create an expedition program to provide healthcare to indigenous villages in the Amazon. The expeditions, composed of diverse teams including family doctors — chosen for their ability to recognize and treat various pathologies through primary healthcare and for their more sensitive approach to people — nurses, dentists, and support staff, will be conducted in- person, adapting to the specific needs of each village. Following the medical interventions, ongoing follow-up will be maintained through telemedicine, leveraging the connectivity of the villages via the Starlink service. In addition to continuous tele-medicine support, the project also envisions in-person return expeditions to the villages when necessary, ensuring a comprehensive and tailored approach to the specific needs of each community. The project will establish strategic partnerships with laboratories, pharmacy networks, and universities in the Amazon region, encompassing Brazil and Bolivia, for diagnostics, medications, and referrals for procedures and surgeries.
Initial Phase: Pilot Village
– Start: February 2024,
– Location: Alves Rodrigues Village, Mamoadate Territory, Manxinere Ethnicity,
– Population: Approximately 1000 people,
– Authorization: Obtained from Funai and local indigenous leadership.
Strategic Partnerships
– Advanced discussions with laboratories for diagnostics and pharmaceutical industry companies,
– Amazônica de Pando Medecine University, Bolivia – has expressed interest in collaboration, and a visit will be conducted during the expedition,
– Mayor of Cobija City, Bolivia – has shown interest in collaboration and will be visited during the expedition.
Second Village: Belém de Solimões
– Date: To be determined,
– Location: Tabatinga, a complex and neglected region, bordering Peru and Colombia,
– Population: 7000 people,
– Indigenous Land: Tikúna de Feijoal, Amazonas,
– Challenges: Lack of basic medical care, precarious living conditions, lack of water, waste collection, basic sanitation, among other needs,
– Authorization: Obtained from Funai and local indigenous leaders.
Expansion to Other Villages
With extensive mapping of various villages in the Amazon region, The Roots of Health Project aims to expand its program to as many indigenous communities as possible. The goal is to provide comprehensive and sustainable healthcare to a broader spectrum, addressing health challenges in these locations.
Future Project: Mobile Surgical Center
Aims to establish a specialized mobile surgical center to provide free access to surgeries within remote villages. An ambitious project that requires detailed planning and significant resources.
The Roots of Health Project aims to bring about real and lasting change in the living conditions of indigenous communities, addressing challenges head-on and establishing strong partnerships to ensure a comprehensive and sustainable approach.